Our History

E.N.C.O.R.E. is the acronym for "Encountering the Challenges of Retirement". It took form in the mid 1970's as the brainchild of Sylvia McDonald, C.N.D., of Marianopolis College (Montreal). Granted a Charter by the Federal Government in 1992, our official name is now "E.N.C.O.R.E Educational Club for Seniors Inc."

Sister McDonald perceived that pre-retirement training would make the transition towards a smoother retirement. With planning, the individual could utilize his/her resources to make the post-retirement years a period of intellectual growth and development, coined as "creative aging". She firmly believed that each one of us is the architect of our own destiny. She said, "We must entertain a capacity for wonder and discovery, the human imagination must be nourished, cultivated and enriched."

Thus the primary purpose of E.N.C.O.R.E. is to provide continuing stimulation through education to those who wish their retirement years to be a period of intellectual growth and development. For more than 30 years the E.N.C.O.R.E. project has successfully organized stimulating activities such as; Philosophy, Music Appreciation, Painting, Yoga, Canadian History, Bridge and many more.  Members have the opportunity of listening to, and meeting with, professionals in all domains including teachers, artists, writers and business leaders.

Today E.N.C.O.R.E. is a thriving non-profit organization of over 600 retired people enjoying activities, demonstrations, lectures and varied topics which engender a lively interest in life and foster warm personal friendships.

The logo designed in 1986 by a member, Marguerite Jones, was conceived to emphasize the fact that senior citizens now have time to pursue various activities to fulfill their aspirations. Thus the four arrows which point in different directions form a whole, indicating that "completeness" can be achieved through diversification.

Our organization

E.N.C.O.R.E. is a federal non-profit organization. It was officially incorporated on November 17th, 1992 under the name ‘‘ Club éducatif de Retraîtés E.N.C.O.R.E. Inc. / E.N.C.O.R.E. Educational Club for Seniors Inc.’’

E.N.C.O.R.E.’s fiscal year runs from August 1st of any given year to July 31st of the following year.  

An AGM (Annual General Meeting) is held once a year in the fall, where all members are invited to review E.N.C.O.R.E.’s financial statements and discuss the organization’s general status as well as elect/reelect board members.

E.N.C.O.R.E. is located in the heart of downtown Montreal. Although currently housed on the premises of the Foundation of Catholic Community Services, we are a non-sectarian group open to all English-speaking Montrealers.

Present board of directors (2023-24)

President: Marie-Claire Zirpdji

Vice President : vacant

Treasurer: Marie-Claire Zirpdji

Registrar: Marilyn Csik

Secretary : Jane Archer

Communications : Joy Jude

Hospitality : Elida Lopez, Colette Zirpdji

Program : Pat Kirk

Curriculum: Zsolt Alapi

Digital media : Carole Bayard

Members at large : Suzanne Lafleur

Past president: Gwen Goring




We are located at :

1857 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite 110

Montreal, QC H3H 1J9

(Corner St. Marc Street)

Transportation Information:

Metro Guy/Concordia Metro

Take St. Mathieu Street exit, walk one block west

Bus 15, 24, 57, 66, 165, 166

Building with painted mural of geese taking flight